Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Cheongsam Tenten Small Grid

Tenten in a cheongsam has oriental beauty and mystery. As a hidden weapon expert, she is good at manipulating ninja tools summoned from scrolls to attack.




Type Taijutsu Formation Assaulter
Force 19,000 Growth: 19.0 Chakra 17,000 Growth: 17.0
Agility 17,000 Growth: 17.0 Power 210,000 Growth: 21.0
Talent Manipulated Tools
Increase massive Agility and Force by percentage. Naturally has 60% Speed, 45% Damage Rate, and 45% Avoid-Injury Rate. Ignores 40% of enemies Defence. When alive in formation, Decrease enemies Speed by 38%, and Damage Rate by 30%. When attacked, 70% chance to Clear own debuffs. On death, Stun all enemies for 1 round. Immune to Blind and Imprisonment
Skill Blade Chaos
Attack all enemies with a 300% growth rate. 60% to Paralyze and or Dispel enemies for 2 rounds. Increase allies Attack Power by 20% for 2 rounds. Clear debuffs from 2 random allies. Decrease enemies Damage Rate by 20% and Aid Rate by 30% for 2 rounds, recovers 50 Fury for the caster and 30 Fury for allies.

Type Taijutsu Formation Assaulter
Force 19,000 Growth: 19.0 Chakra 17,000 Growth: 17.0
Agility 17,000 Growth: 17.0 Power 210,000 Growth: 21.0
Talent Ninja Tools
Increase massive Agility and Force by percentage. Naturally has 60% Speed, 45% Damage Rate, and 45% Avoid-Injury Rate. Ignores 40% of enemies Defence. When alive in formation, Decrease enemies Speed by 38%, and Damage Rate by 30%. When attacked, 70% chance to Clear own debuffs. On death, Stun all enemies. Immune to Blind and Imprisonment
Skill Ten Thousand Chaotic Blades
Attack all enemies with a 300% growth rate. 60% to Paralyze and or Explode enemies for 2 rounds. Increase allies Attack Power by 25% for 2 rounds. Clear debuffs from 2 random allies. Heal self with 120% growth rate. Decrease enemies Damage Rate by 25% and Aid Rate by 30% for 2 rounds, recovers 50 Fury for the caster and 30 Fury for allies.


Cheongsam Tenten S.Atk
Cheongsam Tenten Grid


