Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki

The Collections is available after your main character reaches LvL 50 (the icon will appear under Functions).
In this feature you collect Equipment, Accessories and Pets to gain additional Attributes.



Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Anbu of Fire Set Mall 1800Gold Icon Speed +1300 Anbu of Fire Kunai Anbu of Fire Shuriken Anbu of Fire Scroll Anbu of Fire Headband Anbu of Fire Armor Anbu of Fire Coat Anbu of Fire Boots Anbu of Fire Belt
Snow Set Craftable Lv. 30 Physical Attack +100 Snow Kunai - A Snow Shuriken - A Snow Scroll Snow Helm Snow Armor Snow Coat Snow Boots Snow Belt
Blazing Set Craftable Lv. 30 Physical Defense +100 Blazing Kunai Blazing Shuriken Blazing Scroll - A Blazing Headband - A Blazing Armor - A Blazing Coat - A Blazing Boots - A Blazing Belt - A
Mist Set Craftable Lv. 50 Strategy Attack +100 Mist Kunai - A Mist Shuriken - A Mist Scroll Mist Headband - A Mist Armor - A Mist Coat Mist Boots - A Mist Belt
Spring Set Craftable Lv. 50 Strategy Defense +100 Spring Shuriken - A Spring Kunai - A Spring Scroll - A Spring Headband - A Spring Armor - A Spring Coat Spring Boots - A Spring Belt
Advanced Spring Set Craftable Lv. 50 Speed +100 S Forge Spring KunaiS S Forge Spring ShurikenS S Forge Spring ScrollS S Forge Spring HeadbandS S Forge Spring ArmorS S Forge Spring CoatS S Forge Spring BootsS S Forge Spring BeltS
Blood-Forged Set Craftable Lv. 70 Physical Attack +200 Blood Kunai - A Blood Shuriken - A Blood Scroll - A Blood Headband - A Blood Armor Blood Coat Blood Boots Blood Belt
Rock Set Craftable Lv. 70 Physical Defense +200 Rock Kunai - A Rock Shuriken - A Rock Scroll - A Rock Headband - A Rock Armor - A Rock Coat - A Rock Boots Rock Belt
Advanced Rock Set Craftable lvl.70 Strategy Attack +200 S Forge Rock Kunai S Forge Rock Shuriken S Forge Rock Scroll S Forge Rock Headband S Forge Rock Armor S Forge Rock Coat S Forge Rock Boots S Forge Rock Belt

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Fire-Forged Set craftable lvl.80 Speed +200 Fire-Forge Kunai Fire-Forge Shuriken Fire-Forge Scroll Fire-Forge Headband Fire-Forge Armor Fire-Forge Coat Fire-Forge Boots Fire-Forge Belt
Water Spirit Set Craftable lvl.80 HP +2,000 Water Spirit Kunai Water Spirit Shuriken Water Spirit Scroll Water Spirit Headband Water Spirit Armor Water Spirit Coat Water Spirit Boots - A Water Spirit Belt
Advanced Water Spirit Set S.forge water spirit lvl.80 Physical Attack +400 S Forge water Spirit Kunai S Forge Water Spirit Shuriken S Forge Water Spirit Scroll S Forge Water Spirit Headband S Forge Water Spirit Armor S Forge water Spirit Coat S Forge water Spirit Boots S Forge Water Spirit Belt
Wind Spirit Set Craftable lvl.90 Physical Attack +400 Wind Spirit Kunai - A Wind Spirit Shuriken - A Wind Spirit Scroll - A Wind Spirit Headband - A Wind Spirit Armor - A Wind Spirit Coat - A Wind Spirit Boots - A Wind Spirit Belt - A
Thunder Spirit Set Craftable lvl.90 Strategy Defense +400 Thunder Spirit Kunai-A Thunder Spirit Shuriken-A Thunder Spirit Scroll-A Thunder Spirit Headband-A Thunder Spirit Armor-A Thunder Spirit Coat-A Thunder Spirit Boots-A Thunder Spirit Belt-A
Advanced Thunder Spirit Set Craftable lvl.90 Speed +400 S Forge Thunder Kunai S Forge Thunder Shuriken S Forge Thunder Scroll S Forge Thunder Headband S Forge Thunder Spirit Armor S Forge Thunder Coat S Forge Thunder Boots S Forge Thunder Belt
Hunting Spirit Set Craftable lvl.100 Physical Attack +500 Hunting Spirit Kunai - A Hunting Spirit Shuriken - A Hunting Spirit Scroll - A Hunting Spirit Headband - A Hunting Spirit Armor - A Hunting Spirit Coat - A Hunting Spirit Boots - A Hunting Spirit Belt - A
Hunting Soul Set Craftable lvl.100 Physical Defense +500 Hunting Soul Kunai - A Hunting Soul Shuriken - A Hunting Soul Scroll - A Hunting Soul Headband - A Hunting Soul Armor - A Hunting Soul Coat - A Hunting Soul Boots - A Hunting Soul Belt - A
Advanced Hunting Soul Set Craftable lvl.100 Strategy Attack +500 S Forge Hunting Soul Kunai S Forge Hunting Soul Shuriken S Forge Hunting Soul ScrollS S Forge Hunting Soul HeadbandS S Forge Hunting Soul ArmorS S Forge Hunting Soul CoatS S Forge Hunting Soul BootsS S Forge Hunting Soul BeltS

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Water Fog Set Craftable lvl.110 HP +5,000 Water Fog KunaiS Water Fog ShurikenS Water Fog ScrollS Water Fog HeadbandS Water Fog ArmorS Water Fog CoatS Water Fog BootsS Water Fog BeltS
Purple Flame Set Craftable lvl.110 Physical Attack +600 110 Purple Flame Kunai 110 Purple Flame Shuriken 110 Purple Flame Scroll 110 Purple Flame Headband 110 Purple Flame Armor 110 Purple Flame Coat 110 Purple Flame Boots 110 Purple Flame Belt
Advanced Purple Flame Set Craftable lvl.110 Physical Defense +600 110 S Forge Purple Flame Kunai 110 S Forge Purple Flame Shuriken 110 S Forge Purple Flame Scroll 110 S Forge Purple Flame Headband 110 S Forge Purple Flame Armor 110 S Forge Purple Flame Coat 110 S Forge Purple Flame Boots 110 S Forge Purple Flame Belt
Gilian Set Craftable lvl.120 Strategy Defense +600 120 Violet Kunai 120 Violet Shuriken 120 Violet Scroll 120 Violet Headband 120 Violet Armor 120 Violet Coat 120 Violet Boots 120 Violet Belt
Evilmare Set Craftable lvl.120 Speed +600 120 Demonic Kunai 120 Demonic Shuriken 120 Demonic Scroll 120 Demonic Headband 120 Demonic Armor 120 Demonic Coat 120 Demonic Boots 120 Demonic Belt
S forge Evilmare Set Craftable lvl.120 HP +6000 S Forge Demonic Kunai S Forge Demonic Shuriken S Forge Demonic Scroll S Forge Demonic Headband S Forge Demonic Armor S Forge Demonic Coat S Forge Demonic Boots S Forge Demonic Belt
Demon Set Craftable lvl.130 Strategy Attack +800 Water Fog KunaiS Water Fog ShurikenS Water Fog ScrollS Water Fog HeadbandS Water Fog ArmorS Water Fog CoatS Water Fog BootsS Water Fog BeltS
Insanity Set Craftable lvl.130 Strategy Defense +800 130 Insanity Kunai 130 Insanity Shuriken 130 Insanity Scroll 130 Insanity Headband 130 Insanity Armor 130 Insanity Coat 130 Insanity Boots 130 Insanity Belt
S forge Insanity Set Craftable lvl.130 Speed +800 130 S Forged Insanity Kunai 130 S Forged Insanity Shuriken 130 S Forged Insanity Scroll 130 S Forged Insanity Headband 130 S Forged Insanity Armor 130 S Forged Insanity Coat 130 S Forged Insanity Boots 130 S Forged Insanity Belt

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
130 Orange Set ??? HP +8000
Red Devil Set Craftable lvl.1R20 P. Attack +1000 140 Red Devil Kunai 140 Red Devil Kunai 140 Red Devil Shuriken 140 Red Devil Scroll 140 Red Devil Headband 140 Red Devil Armor 140 Red Devil Coat 140 Red Devil Boots
Crescent Moon Set craftable lvl.1R20 Physical Defense +1,000 140 Crescent Moon Kunai 140 Crescent Moon Shuriken 140 Crescent Moon Scroll 140 Crescent Moon Headband 140 Crescent Moon Armor 140 Crescent Moon Coat 140 Crescent Moon Boots 140 Crescent Moon Belt
S Forge Crescent Moon Set craftable lvl.1R20 Strategy Attack +1,000 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Kunai 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Shuriken 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Scroll 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Headband 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Armor 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Coat 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Boots 140 S Forged Crescent Moon Belt
140 Orange Set ??? S.Defense +1000
150 Purple Set Craftable lvl.1R30 Speed +1000 150 Glitter Kunai 150 Glitter Shuriken 150 Glitter Scroll 150 Glitter Headband 150 Glitter Armor 150 Glitter Coat 150 Glitter Boots 150 Glitter Belt
150 Yellow Set Craftable lvl.1R30 HP +10000 150 Sky Kunai 150 Sky Shuriken 150 Sky Scroll 150 Sky Headband 150 Sky Armor 150 Sky Coat 150 Sky Boots 150 Sky Belt
150 Orange Set ??? P.Attack +1300
150 Orange Set ??? P.Defense +1300
Hawk Feather Set ??? HP +1000

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
RIHermit Set Legend Of Oracles Strategy Attack +1600 RI Hermit Kunai RI Hermit Shuriken RI Hermit Scroll RI Hermit Headband RI Hermit Armor RI Hermit Coat RI Hermit Boots RI Hermit Belt
S forge RIHermit Set Legend Of Oracles Strategy Defense +1600 S Forge RI Hermit Kunai S Forge RI Hermit Shuriken S Forge RI Hermit Scroll S Forge RI Hermit Headband S Forge RI Hermit Armor S Forge RI Hermit Coat S Forge RI Hermit Boots S Forge RI Hermit Belt
RIS Forge Set Legend of Oracles R2 Speed +1600 RI Oracle Kunai RI Oracle Shuriken RI Oracle Scroll RI Oracle Headband RI Oracle Armor RI Oracle Coat RI Oracle Boots RI Oracle Belt
S Forge RIS Forge Set Legend of oracles R2 HP +16000 S Forge RI Hermit Kunai S Forge RI Oracle Shuriken S Forge RI Oracle Scroll S Forge RI Oracle Headband S Forge RI Oracle Armor S Forge RI Oracle Coat S Forge RI Oracle Boots S Forge RI Oracle Belt
RI Six paths Set Legend of Oracles 3RI HP+34000 RI Six Paths Kunai RI Six Paths Shuriken RI Six Paths Scroll RI Six Paths Headband RI Six Paths Armor RI Six Paths Coat RI Six Paths Boots RI Six Paths Belt
S Forge RI Six paths Set Legend of Oracles 3RI P.Atk +3500 RI Six Paths Kunai RI Six Paths Shuriken RI Six Paths Scroll RI Six Paths Headband RI Six Paths Armor RI Six Paths Coat RI Six Paths Boots RI Six Paths Belt
MoonCrash Set Tournament cost=55k Physical Defense +400 Moon•Crash Kunai Moon•Crash Shuriken Moon•Crash Scroll Moon•Crash Headband Moon•Crash Armor Moon•Crash Coat Moon•Crash Boots Moon•Crash Belt
WraithCrash Set tournament cost=138k Physical Defense +800 Wraith•Crash Kunai Wraith•Crash Shuriken Wraith•Crash Scroll Wraith•Crash Headband Wraith•Crash Armor Wraith•Crash Coat Wraith•Crash Boots Wraith•Crash Belt
BarrierCrach Set tournament cost=93k Speed +500 Barrier•Crash Kunai Barrier•Crash Shuriken Barrier•Crash Scroll Barrier•Crash Headband Barrier•Crash Armor Barrier•Crash Coat Barrier•Crash Boots Barrier•Crash Belt

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Earth Set weapon guide event Strategy Defense +200 Outer Path•Fuma Kunai Outer Path•Fuma Shuriken Outer Path•Fuma Scroll Outer Path•Fuma Headband Outer Path•Fuma Armor Outer Path•Fuma Coat Outer Path•Fuma Boots Outer Path•Fuma Belt
Alternate God-Made Set Weapon Guide Event HP +4,000 Silence•Watermoon Kunai Silence•Watermoon Shuriken Silence•Watermoon Scroll Silence•Watermoon Headband Silence•Watermoon Armor Silence•Watermoon Coat Silence•Watermoon Boots Silence•Watermoon Belt
Etching Dragon Set Weapon Guide Event S.Defense +500 Shura•Jizo Kunai Shura•Jizo Shuriken Shura•Jizo Scroll Shura•Jizo Headband Shura•Jizo Armor Shura•Jizo Coat Shura•Jizo Boots Shura•Jizo Kunai
UniverseThunder Set Weapon Guide Event S.Aattack +1300 Universe•Thunder Kunai Universe•Thunder Shuriken Universe•Thunder Scroll Universe•Thunder Headband Universe•Thunder Armor Universe•Thunder Coat Universe•Thunder Boots Universe•Thunder Belt
GodFlame Set Weapon Guide Event Strategy Defense +1,300 • Kunai • Shuriken • Scroll • Headband • Armor • Coat • Boots • Belt
Jehad Set Ninja World War shop cost=720 S.attack +600 Thunder Spirit Kunai-A Thunder Spirit Shuriken-A Thunder Spirit Scroll-A Thunder Spirit Headband-A Thunder Spirit Armor-A Thunder Spirit Coat-A Thunder Spirit Boots-A Thunder Spirit Belt-A
Crimson Set UC shop cost= 2500 HP +20,000 Crimson Kunai Crimson Shuriken Crimson Scroll Crimson Headband Crimson Armor Crimson Cloak Crimson Boots Crimson Belt
FrostFire Set UC shop cost= 3900 S.Def +3,400 Frost Fire Kunai Frost Fire Shuriken Frost Fire Scroll Frost Fire Headband Frost Fire Armor Frost Fire Cloak Frost Fire Boots Frost Fire Belt
Bloodfang Set UC shop cost= 11,400 S.Def +3,400 Bloodfang Kunai Bloodfang Shuriken Bloodfang Scroll Bloodfang Headband Bloodfang Armor Bloodfang Cloak Bloodfang Boots Bloodfang Belt

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Akatsuki Set Mall 18,000Gold Icon HP +13,000 Akatsuki Kunai Akatsuki Shuriken Akatsuki Scroll Akatsuki Headband Akatsuki Armor Akatsuki Coat Akatsuki Boots Akatsuki Belt
Angle Set Mall 19,200Gold Icon P.ATK +1,600 Angel Kunai Angel Shuriken Angel Scroll Angel Headband Angel Armor Angel Coat Angel Boots Angel Belt
Ice Set mall 21,000Gold Icon S.DEF +1600 Ice Kunai Ice Scroll Ice Shuriken Ice Headband Ice Armor Ice Coat Ice Boots Ice Belt
Abyss Set mall 27,000Gold Icon P.Atk +2000 Abyss Kunai Abyss Shuriken Abyss Scroll Abyss Headband Abyss Armor Abyss Cloak Abyss Boots Abyss Belt
Sage Set Mall 22,800Gold Icon P.DEF +2,000 Sage Kunai Sage Shuriken Sage Scroll Sage Headband Sage Armor Sage Cloak Sage Belt Sage Boots
Christmas Set Special Event S.atk +2000 Christmas Kunai Christmas Shuriken Christmas Scroll Christmas Headband Christmas Cloak Christmas Armor Christmas Belt Christmas Boots

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Christmas Set Strategy Attack +2,000 Christmas Kunai Christmas Shuriken Christmas Scroll Christmas Headband Christmas Cloak Christmas Armor Christmas Belt Christmas Boots
Ryujin Set Strategy Defense +2,000 Ryujin Kunai Ryujin Shuriken Ryujin Scroll Ryujin Headband Ryujin Cloak Ryujin Armor Ryujin Belt Ryujin Boots
Flame Set Speed +2,000 Flame Kunai Flame Shuriken Flame Scroll Flame Headband E Flame Cloak Flame Armor Flame Belt Flame Boots
Warlord Set Physical Attack +2,400 Warlord Kunai Warlord Shuriken Warlord Scroll Warlord Headband Warlord Cloak Warlord Armor Warlord Belt Warlord Boots
Divine Break Set Physical Defense +2,400 Divine Break Kunai Divine Break Shuriken Divine Break Scroll Divine Break Headband Divine Break Cloak Divine Break Armor Divine Break Belt Divine Break Boots
Netherwind Set Strategy Attack +2,400 Netherwind Kunai Netherwind Shuriken Netherwind Scroll Netherwind Headband Netherwind Cloak Netherwind Armor Netherwind Belt Netherwind Boots
Stormrage Set Speed +2,400 Stormrage Kunai Stormrage Shuriken Stormrage Scroll Stormrage Headband Stormrage Cloak Stormrage Armor Stormrage Belt Stormrage Boots
Oblivion Set HP +24,000 Oblivion Kunai Oblivion Shuriken Oblivion Scroll Oblivion Headband Oblivion Cloak Oblivion Armor Oblivion Belt Oblivion Boots
Desolation Set Physical Attack +2,800

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment
Corruptor Set Physical Defense +2,800 Corruptor Kunai Corruptor Shuriken Corruptor Scroll Corruptor Headband Corruptor Cloak Corruptor Armor Corruptor Belt Corruptor Boots
Deathbone Set Strategy Attack +2,800 Deathbone Kunai Deathbone Shuriken Deathbone Scroll Deathbone Headband Deathbone Cloak Deathbone Armor Deathbone Belt Deathbone Boots
Darkmantle Set Strategy Defense +2,800 Darkmantle Kunai Darkmantle Shuriken Darkmantle Scroll Darkmantle Headband Darkmantle Cloak Darkmantle Armor Darkmantle Belt Darkmantle Boots
Skyshatter Set Speed +2,800 Skyshatter Kunai Skyshatter Shuriken Skyshatter Scroll Skyshatter Headband Skyshatter Cloak Skyshatter Armor Skyshatter Belt Skyshatter Boots
Hallowed Set HP +28,000 Hallowed Kunai Hallowed Shuriken Hallowed Scroll Hallowed Headband Hallowed Cloak Hallowed Armor Hallowed Belt Hallowed Boots
Devout Set Physical Attack +3,000 Devout Kunai Devout Shuriken Devout Scroll Devout Headband Devout Cloak Devout Armor Devout Belt Devout Boots
Heroism Set Physical Defense +3,000 Heroism Kunai Heroism Shuriken Heroism Scroll Heroism Headband Heroism Cloak Heroism Armor Heroism Belt Heroism Boots
Otsutsuki Set Strategy Attack +3,000 Otsutsuki Kunai Otsutsuki Shuriken Otsutsuki Scroll Otsutsuki Headband Otsutsuki Cloak Otsutsuki Armor Otsutsuki Belt Otsutsuki Boots
Indora Set Speed +3,000 Indora Kunai Indora Shuriken Indora Scroll Indora Headband Indora Cloak Indora Armor Indora Belt Indora Boots

Set Name Source Stat Bonus Equipment






Attribute Bonus

Level Need Exp All Exp Multiplier
1 500 0 1.01
2 749 500 1.02
3 963 1,249 1.03
4 1,155 2,212 1.04
5 1,334 3,367 1.05
6 1,502 4,701 1.06
7 1,661 6,203 1.07
8 1,814 7,864 1.08
9 1,962 9,678 1.09
10 2,104 11,640 1.10
11 2,243 13,744 1.11
12 2,377 15,987 1.12
13 2,508 18,364 1.13
14 2,637 20,872 1.14
15 2,762 23,509 1.15
16 2,885 26,271 1.16
17 3,006 29,156 1.17
18 3,125 32,162 1.18
19 3,241 35,287 1.19
20 3,356 38,528 1.20
21 3,469 41,884 1.21
22 3,581 45,353 1.22
23 3,691 48,934 1.23
24 3,800 52,625 1.24
25 3,907 56,425 1.25
26 4,013 60,332 1.26
27 4,118 64,345 1.27
28 4,221 68,463 1.28
29 4,324 72,684 1.29
30 4,425 77,008 1.30
31 4,526 81,433 1.31
32 4,625 85,959 1.32
33 4,724 90,584 1.33
34 4,821 95,308 1.34
35 4,918 100,129 1.35
36 5,014 105,047 1.36
37 5,109 110,061 1.37
38 5,203 115,170 1.38
39 5,297 120,373 1.39
40 5,390 125,670 1.40
41 5,482 131,060 1.41
42 5,574 136,542 1.42
43 5,665 142,116 1.43
44 5,755 147,781 1.44
45 5,845 153,536 1.45
46 5,934 159,381 1.46
47 6,022 165,315 1.47
48 6,110 171,337 1.48
49 6,198 177,447 1.49
50 6,284 183,645 1.50
51 6,371 189,929 1.52
52 6,457 196,300 1.54
53 6,542 202,757 1.56
54 6,627 209,299 1.58
55 6,711 215,926 1.60
56 6,795 222,637 1.62
57 6,879 229,432 1.64
58 6,962 236,311 1.66
59 7,044 243,273 1.68
60 7,126 250,317 1.70
61 7,208 257,443 1.72
62 7,290 264,651 1.74
63 7,371 271,941 1.76
64 7,451 279,312 1.78
65 7,531 286,763 1.80
66 7,611 294,294 1.82
67 7,691 301,905 1.84
68 7,770 309,596 1.86
69 7,849 317,366 1.88
70 7,927 325,215 1.90
71 8,005 333,142 1.92
72 8,083 341,147 1.94
73 8,160 349,230 1.96
74 8,238 357,390 1.98
75 8,314 365,628 2.00
76 8,391 373,942 2.02
77 8,467 382,333 2.04
78 8,543 390,800 2.06
79 8,619 399,343 2.08
80 8,694 407,962 2.10
81 8,769 416,656 2.12
82 8,844 425,425 2.14
83 8,918 434,269 2.16
84 8,993 443,187 2.18
85 9,067 452,180 2.20
86 9,140 461,247 2.22
87 9,214 470,387 2.24
88 9,287 479,601 2.26
89 9,360 488,888 2.28
90 9,433 498,248 2.30
91 9,505 507,681 2.33
92 9,577 517,186 2.36
93 9,649 526,763 2.39
94 9,721 536,412 2.42
95 9,793 546,133 2.45
96 9,864 555,926 2.48
97 9,935 565,790 2.51
98 10,006 575,725 2.54
99 10,077 585,731 2.57
100 10,147 595,808 2.60
101 10,217 605,955 2.64
102 10,287 616,172 2.68
103 10,357 626,459 2.72
104 10,427 636,816 2.76
105 10,496 647,243 2.80
106 10,565 657,739 2.84
107 10,634 668,304 2.88
108 10,703 678,938 2.92
109 10,772 689,641 2.96
110 10,840 700,413 3.00
111 10,909 711,253 3.04
112 10,977 722,162 3.08
113 11,044 733,139 3.12
114 11,112 744,183 3.16
115 11,180 755,295 3.20
116 11,247 766,475 3.24
117 11,314 777,722 3.28
118 11,381 789,036 3.32
119 11,448 800,417 3.36
120 11,515 811,865 3.40
121 11,581 823,380 3.44
122 11,648 834,961 3.48
123 11,714 846,609 3.52
124 11,780 858,323 3.56
125 11,846 870,103 3.60
126 11,911 881,949 3.64
127 11,977 893,860 3.68
128 12,042 905,837 3.72
129 12,108 917,879 3.76
130 12,173 929,987 3.80
131 12,238 942,160 3.84
132 12,302 954,398 3.89
133 12,367 966,700 3.93
134 12,431 979,067 3.98
135 12,496 991,498 4.02
136 12,560 1,003,994 4.07
137 12,624 1,016,554 4.11
138 12,688 1,029,178 4.15
139 12,752 1,041,866 4.20
140 12,815 1,054,618 4.25
141 12,879 1,067,433 4.29
142 12,942 1,080,312 4.34
143 13,006 1,093,254 4.38
144 13,069 1,106,260 4.43
145 13,132 1,119,329 4.47
146 13,195 1,132,461 4.52
147 13,257 1,145,656 4.56
148 13,320 1,158,913 4.61
149 13,382 1,172,233 4.65
150 13,445 1,185,615 4.70
151 13,507 1,199,060 4.74
152 13,569 1,212,567 4.79
153 13,631 1,226,136 4.83
154 13,693 1,239,767 4.88
155 13,755 1,253,460 4.92
156 13,816 1,267,215 4.97
157 13,878 1,281,031 5.01
158 13,939 1,294,909 5.06
159 14,000 1,308,848 5.10
160 14,061 1,322,848 5.15
161 14,122 1,336,909 5.19
162 14,183 1,351,031 5.24
163 14,244 1,365,214 5.29
164 14,305 1,379,458 5.34
165 14,365 1,393,763 5.39
166 14,426 1,408,128 5.44
167 14,486 1,422,554 5.49
168 14,546 1,437,040 5.54
169 14,607 1,451,586 5.59
170 14,667 1,466,193 5.64
171 14,727 1,480,860 5.69
172 14,786 1,495,587 5.74
173 14,846 1,510,373 5.79
174 14,906 1,525,219 5.84
175 14,965 1,540,125 5.89
176 15,025 1,555,090 5.94
177 15,084 1,570,115 5.99
178 15,143 1,585,199 6.04
179 15,202 1,600,342 6.09
180 15,261 1,615,544 6.14
181 15,320 1,630,805 6.19
182 15,379 1,646,125 6.25
183 15,438 1,661,504 6.30
184 15,496 1,676,942 6.36
185 15,555 1,692,438 6.41
186 15,613 1,707,993 6.47
187 15,672 1,723,606 6.52
188 15,730 1,739,278 6.58
189 15,788 1,755,008 6.63
190 15,846 1,770,796 6.69
191 15,904 1,786,642 6.74
192 15,962 1,802,546 6.80
193 16,020 1,818,508 6.86
194 16,077 1,834,528 6.92
195 16,135 1,850,605 6.98
196 16,193 1,866,740 7.04
197 16,250 1,882,933 7.10
198 16,307 1,899,183 7.16
199 16,365 1,915,490 7.22
200 16,422 1,931,855 7.28
201 16,522 1,948,277 7.29
202 16,642 1,964,799 7.30
203 16,782 1,981,441 7.31
204 16,942 1,998,223 7.32
205 17,122 2,015,165 7.33
206 17,322 2,032,287 7.34
207 17,542 2,049,609 7.35
208 17,782 2,067,151 7.36
209 18,042 2,084,933 7.37
210 18,322 2,102,975 7.38
211 18,622 2,121,297 7.39
212 18,942 2,139,919 7.40
213 19,282 2,158,861 7.41
214 19,642 2,178,143 7.42
215 20,022 2,197,785 7.43
216 20,422 2,217,807 7.44
217 20,842 2,238,229 7.45
218 21,282 2,259,071 7.46
219 21,742 2,280,353 7.47
220 22,222 2,302,095 7.48
221 22,722 2,324,317 7.50
222 23,242 2,347,039 7.52
223 23,782 2,370,281 7.54
224 24,342 2,394,063 7.56
225 24,922 2,418,405 7.58
226 25,522 2,443,327 7.60
227 26,142 2,468,849 7.62
228 26,782 2,494,991 7.64
229 27,442 2,521,773 7.66
230 28,122 2,549,215 7.68
231 28,822 2,577,337 7.70
232 29,542 2,606,159 7.72
233 30,282 2,635,701 7.74
234 31,042 2,665,983 7.76
235 31,822 2,697,025 7.78
236 32,622 2,728,847 7.80
237 33,442 2,761,469 7.82
238 34,282 2,794,911 7.84
239 35,142 2,829,193 7.86
240 36,022 2,864,335 7.88
241 36,922 2,900,357 7.91
242 37,842 2,937,279 7.94
243 38,782 2,975,121 7.97
244 39,742 3,013,903 8.00
245 40,722 3,053,645 8.03
246 41,722 3,094,367 8.06
247 42,742 3,136,089 8.09
248 43,782 3,178,831 8.12
249 44,842 3,222,613 8.15
250 45,922 3,267,455 8.18