Cute Ninja Fund is a top-up event that, which upon activating, allows you to activate 3 different rebates. The rebates are: Baby Naruto (Requires a 1k gold top-up), Baby Sasuke (Requires a 2k gold top-up) and Baby Sakura (Requires a 4k gold top-up).
NOTE: If you activate the Baby Sakura rebate, you'll activate the rest of the rebates as well.
After activating the desired rebate - you can level it up to upgrade the rebate (to obtain more gold - simply said).
The gold rebates and the exp necessary for each level of each rebate are displayed here:
You can upgrade/level up the rebates by ,,feeding the Baby/giving experience to the desired rebate. Food is obtained by either getting the free food packs by topping up 1k gold (the food you'll get from it is entirely luck based) or by buying the food from the Gourmet Shop (the food that you'll get in the Shop is also entirely luck based - you have 3 chances to refresh the food in the shop with each refresh costing 100g; additionally, you get a free chance to refresh every 12hrs. This means that the food supply is LIMITED with you being able to 4x food per each refresh.) The exp obtained from the food is as following: Omelette gives 5 exp; Sushi gives 10 exp; Shrimp gives 20 exp; Salmon gives 40 exp.
Once you have activated the rebate and bringing it to the desired level you will get the rebate via mail for 30 days.