Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki

Hitsugaya is generally mature and serious, in contrast to his free-spirited lieutenant.




Type Taijutsu Formation Assaulter
Force 48,000 Growth: 48 Chakra 22,000 Growth: 22
Agility 35,000 Growth: 35 Power 400,000 Growth: 40
Talent Daiguren
Increases massive agility, health and force by percentage. Increase 86% speed, 70% damage rate and 60% immune damage rate by percentage. When this ninja is in battle increase all allies speed by 112%, increase attack and health by 30%, decrease all enemies damage rate by 30%, after being attacked he has 50% chance to dispel all enemies buff, and has 50% chance to make attacker enter petrification state for 2 rounds. Natural ignores enemies 10% attack, 75% control rate and 150% reflect damage, immune to charm, fury reduction and death seed. Immune to S. block by 40%
Skill Sennen Hyr
Attack all enemies by 350% growth rate, make penetrating damage to enemies male role by 60% rate, also has 95% chance to make all enemies enter Charm
latest?cb=20240907100818 Charm CC
Increases 120% of damage dealt and damage rate, chaos effect, cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds, decrease all enemies heal effect by 60% and make self and ally vanguard enter CC-Free State
latest?cb=20240907102616 CC-Free State State
Immunity to all CC
for 2 rounds. Increase ally vanguard Defense
latest?cb=20150621102022 Defense Buff
Increase Defense by certain percent
by 500% for 2 rounds, recovers self fury by 68 , recovers all allies fury by 30 (except self).
1r Awaken Ice Dragon: Self immune to S.Block damage by 40%. -


Toshiro Satk


  • Recruitable at Lv.90

