Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Guild interface

After joining a Clan, and reaching Level 26, you can send an application to a Guild or open a new Guild.


A guild is an organization which is built around people. Guilds are a great way to meet new people and friends. If you often need help with something a guild member will most likely answer you before somebody else does.They can even rescue you if you are a slave of somebody else.Also, you can rescue your allies. There are many features that you gain access to when join a guild. You are able to do activities which give you great rewards such as coupons, silver, EXP, S. Abilities and items. Then you have the guild camp which allows you to increase your attributes based on your contributions.

Member Privileges

The System gives the highest Donors the leading Positions.
The System gives, after Chairmen, the two highest donors Vice-Chairmen /Deputy Leader/ Co-Leader.

GuildL GuildD GuildM

Guild Level

With each Level the Members earn more Bonus Experience and Silver at any Stage. If that guild is of hold of the defending side of konoha defense they will get massive silver+exp bonus. This happens only for konoha defense and the defending guild of that particular time.

Guild-Level Cost Exp. + Silver Bonus Memberlimit
1 - 0% 15
2 7,000 0.5% 16
3 9,000 1% 17
4 12,440 1.5% 18
5 14,000 2% 19
6 19,600 2.5% 20
7 30,200 3% 21
8 36,300 3.5% 22
9 43,700 4% 23
10 52,500 4.5% 24
11 63,100 5% 25
12 75,900 5.5% 26
13 91,200 6% 27
14 109,600 6.5% 28
15 131,800 7% 29
16 158,000 7.5% 30
17 256,000 8% 31
18 313,000 8.5% 32
19 384,000 9% 33
20 470,000 9.5% 34
21 575,000 10% 35
22 705,000 10.5% 35
23 863,000 11% 35
24 1,057,000 11.5% 35
25 1,294,000 12% 35
26 1,585,000 12.5% 35
27 1,941,000 13% 35
28 2,377,000 13.5% 35
29 2,911,000 14% 35
30 3,565,000 14.5% 35
31 4,365,000 15% 35
32 5,346,000 15.5% 35
33 6,546,000 16% 35
34 8,017,000 16.5% 35
35 9,817,000 17% 35
36 24,000,000 17.5% 35
37 24,123,000 18% 35
38 29,561,000 18.5% 35
39 36,225,500 19% 35
40 44,139,000 19.5% 35
41 54,398,000 20% 35
42 66,660,000 20.5% 35
43 81,687,000 21% 35
44 100,101,000 21,5% 35
45 122,667,000 22% 35
46 150,319,000 22,5% 35
47 184,204,000 23% 35

Guild Camp

The Guild camp is a place where you can spend the feat points towards a boost in attributes. In order to get feat points you need to press donate on the Guild interface and you can choose to donate Silver or Gold. Make sure to do the max amount to help your guild level up.

Guild camp

Ability - Level Cost Attack Phy. + St. Def. HP Speed
Lv. 1 1,300 60 42 160 30
Lv. 2 1,500 120 84 300 60
Lv. 3 1,800 180 126 460 90
Lv. 4 2,100 240 168 600 120
Lv. 5 2,600 300 210 760 150
Lv. 6 3,000 600 420 1,500 300
Lv. 7 3,600 700 490 1,760 350
Lv. 8 4,400 800 560 2,000 400
Lv. 9 5,200 900 630 2,260 450
Lv. 10 6,200 1,000 700 2,500 500
Lv. 11 7,400 1,600 1,120 4,000 800
Lv. 12 8,900 1,700 1,190 4,260 850
Lv. 13 10,600 1,800 1,260 4,500 900
Lv. 14 12,700 1,900 1,330 4,760 950
Lv. 15 15,200 2,000 1,400 5,000 1,000
Lv. 16 18,100 2,100 1,470 5,260 1,050
Lv. 17 21,700 2,200 1,540 5,500 1,100
Lv. 18 25,900 2,300 1,610 5,760 1,150
Lv. 19 30,100 2,400 1,680 6,000 1,200
Lv. 20 34,300 2,500 1,750 6,260 1,250
Lv. 21 38,500 3,200 2,240 8,000 1,600
Lv. 22 42,700 3,300 2,310 8,260 1,650
Lv. 23 46,900 3,400 2,380 8,500 1,700
Lv. 24 51,100 3,500 2,450 8,760 1,750
Lv. 25 58,500 3,600 2,520 9,000 1,800
Lv. 26 65,900 3,700 2,590 9,260 1,850
Lv. 27 73,300 3,800 2,660 9,500 1,900
Lv. 28 80,700 3,900 2,730 9,760 1,950
Lv. 29 90,100 4,000 2,800 10,000 2,000
Lv. 30 99,500 4,100 2,870 10,260 2,050
Lv. 31 108,900 5,000 3,500 12,500 2,500
Lv. 32 118,300 6,200 3,676 13,120 2,626
Lv. 33 127,700 6,400 3,850 13,760 2,750
Lv. 34 141,100 6,600 4,026 14,380 2,876
Lv. 35 154,500 6,800 4,200 15,000 3,000
Lv. 36 167,900 7,000 4,376 15,620 3,126
Lv. 37 181,300 7,200 4,550 16,260 3,250
Lv. 38 204,700 7,400 4,726 16,880 3,376
Lv. 39 228,100 7,600 4,900 17,500 3,500
Lv. 40 251,500 7,800 5,076 18,120 3,626
Lv. 41 274,900 8,000 5,250 18,760 3,750
Lv. 42 308,300 8,200 5,426 19,380 3,876
Lv. 43 341,700 8,400 5,600 20,000 4,000
Lv. 44 375,100 8,600 5,776 20,620 4,126
Lv. 45 408,500 8,800 5,950 21,260 4,250
Lv. 46 461,900 9,000 6,126 21,880 4,376
Lv. 47 515,300 9,200 6,300 22,500 4,500


Here the Leader can hand out gained Guild-Chests from Konoha Conquest and Konoha Defence.

Guild vault


  • Konoha Conquest
    Register at Naruto Time 19:30-19:50
    Battle at 20:00-20:30
    Guild-Chest Rewards

These activities become available when you join a guild and give great rewards. They happen at certain times throughout the day, so be on the lookout and help out.add some data

Spiritual Seal

Seal summon

Summoning Time:
7:00-12:30 and 14:00-19:00
(7:00am-0:30pm and 2:00pm-7:00pm)

Cost: 200 Gold

  • Each Guild can summon beast spirit twice a Day for sealing.
  • One of the registed Member needs to pay 200 Gold. At the next half or full hour the sealing begins.
  • Each Member can join a running beast sealing.

Treasure Tree


Treasure Tree is one of the new features of the delayed June 9th update.


  • Gives the Tree experience equal to your main level
  • Daily Injects: 5
  • Cooldown: ~2h


  • Daily Waterings: 10
  • Cooldown: ~6h
  • Helps to ripen the Blue Fruits of other Guild-members on the right list.
  • Helps ripen Fruits 3 minutes faster
  • Mystic Fruits can be watered once per Ripe-process (and User).

Blue Fruits:

  • Daily Fruit picks: 10
  • Ripe ~40 min
  • Level up ~30 min
  • From one use to next ~5,2 hours
Reward Req. Tree Level Amount
Silver 0
Fruit Lvl 1 -  25 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 2 -  50 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 3 - 100 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 4 - 150 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 5 - 200 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Experience 0
Fruit Lvl 1 -  25 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 2 -  50 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 3 - 100 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 4 - 150 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Fruit Lvl 5 - 200 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Common Chest 10
Tree Lvl 10-19:
For Fruit Level 1 - 10 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 15 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 30 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 40 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 50 Common Chest
Tree Lvl 20-39:
For Fruit Level 1 - 15 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 25 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 35 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 45 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 55 Common Chest
Tree Lvl 40-59:
For Fruit Level 1 - 18 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 28 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 38 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 48 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 58 Common Chest
Tree Lvl 60-79:
For Fruit Level 1 - 20 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 30 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 40 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 50 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 60 Common Chest
Tree Lvl 80-89:
For Fruit Level 1 - 25 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 35 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 45 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 55 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 65 Common Chest
Tree Lvl 90-??:
For Fruit Level 1 - 30 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 2 - 40 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 3 - 50 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 4 - 60 Common Chest
For Fruit Level 5 - 70 Common Chest
Big Potency Pill 20
Tree Lvl 20-40:
For Fruit Level 1 -  8 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 2 - 10 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 3 - 12 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 4 - 14 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 5 - 16 Big Potency Pill
Tree Lvl 40-60:
For Fruit Level 1 -  9 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 2 - 11 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 3 - 13 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 4 - 15 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 5 - 17 Big Potency Pill
Tree Lvl 60-80:
For Fruit Level 1 - 10 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 2 - 12 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 3 - 14 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 4 - 16 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 5 - 18 Big Potency Pill
Tree lv 80-89:
For Fruit Level 1 - 11 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 2 - 13 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 3 - 15 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 4 - 17 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 5 - 19 Big Potency Pill
Tree lv 90-??:
For Fruit Level 1 - 12 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 2 - 14 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 3 - 16 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 4 - 18 Big Potency Pill
For Fruit Level 5 - 20 Big Potency Pill
S Ability 30
 Fruit Lvl 1 - ~0,2 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
 Fruit Lvl 2 - ~0,4 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
 Fruit Lvl 3 - ~0,6 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
 Fruit Lvl 4 - ~0,8 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
 Fruit Lvl 5 - ~1,0 * Main Lvl * Tree Lvl
Coupon 50
Fruit Lvl 1 - 10 Coupon
Fruit Lvl 2 - 20 Coupon
Fruit Lvl 3 - 30 Coupon
Fruit Lvl 4 - 40 Coupon
Fruit Lvl 5 - 50 Coupon
Jade 60
Fruit Lvl 1 - Level 1 Jade Box
Fruit Lvl 2 - Level 2 Jade Box
Fruit Lvl 3 - Level 3 Jade Box
Fruit Lvl 4 - Level 4 Jade Box
Fruit Lvl 5 - Level 5 Jade Box
Source Note: 
Thanks and Credits for Chest, Pill & Ability Note to author and company here

Mystic Fruits:

  • Daily Fruit picks: 6 (Lvl 40 tree unlocks one more pick)
  • Cooldown time: ~4 hours
  • Ripe after Cooldown: ~1 hour
  • Mystic Fruits can be watered once per Ripe-process (and User).
Reward Amount / Sort
Silver 200 * Main Level * Tree Level
Experience 200 * Main Level * Tree Level
S. Ability 1 * Main Level * Tree Level
Big Potency Pill 5
Epic Chests 15
Gold 50
Jadebox Level 5

Treasure Tree Level up

  • Higher Level Tree's gives better or more Rewards for Fruit-picks.
  • The level of the Tree is not limited by the level of your guild.
Level Req. Exp for Lvlup
(Total Count)
Amount of Exp.
(each Level)
1 1,000 1,000
2 2,500 1,500
3 4,500 2,000
4 7,000 2,500
5 10,000 3,000
6 13,500 3,500
7 17,500 4,000
8 22,000 4,500
9 27,000 5,000
10 33,000 6,000
11 40,000 7,000
12 48,000 8,000
13 57,000 9,000
14 67,000 10,000
15 78,000 11,000
16 90,000 12,000
17 103,000 13,000
18 117,000 14,000
19 132,000 15,000
20 148,500 16,500
21 166,500 18,000
22 186,000 19,500
23 207,000 21,000
24 229,500 22,500
25 253,500 24,000
26 279,000 25,500
27 306,000 27,000
28 334,500 28,500
29 364,500 30,000
30 396,500 32,000
31 430,500 34,000
32 466,500 36,000
33 504,500 38,000
34 544,500 40,000
35 586,500 42,000
36 630,500 44,000
37 676,500 46,000
38 724,500 48,000
39 774,500 50,000
40 827,000 52,500
41 882,000 55,000
42 939,500 57,500
43 999,500 60,000
44 1,062,000 62,500
45 1,127,000 65,000
46 1,194,500 67,500
47 1,264,500 70,000
48 1,337,000 72,500
49 1,412,000 75,000
50 1,490,000 78,000
51 1,571,000 81,000
52 1,655,000 84,000
53 1,742,000 87,000
54 1,832,000 90,000
55 1,925,000 93,000
56 2,021,000 96,000
57 2,120,000 99,000
58 2,222,000 102,000
59 2,327,000 105,000
60 2,435,500 108,500
61 2,547,500 112,000
62 2,663,000 115,500
63 2,782,000 119,000
64 2,904,500 122,500
65 3,030,500 126,000
66 3,160,000 129,500
67 3,293,000 133,000
68 3,429,500 136,500
69 3,569,500 140,000
70 3,713,500 144,000
71 3,861,500 148,000
72 4,013,500 152,000
73 4,169,500 156,000
74 4,329,500 160,000
75 4,493,500 164,000
76 4,661,500 168,000
77 4,833,500 172,000
78 5,009,500 176,000
79 5,189,500 180,000
80 5,374,000 184,500
81 5,563,000 189,000
82 5,756,500 193,500
83 5,954,500 198,000
84 6,157,000 202,500
85 6,364,000
97 8,952,000