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Unlimited Ninja Wiki

Ice Adventure Small Grid Break the Remote Icefield to Awaken Powerful Partners!

Icefield Legend
Duration: January 26, 2015 - Febuary 4, 2015

It is said that in the ice covered icefield lives on of the most powerful beasts - the Icefield Bear. Let's head to this icefield and find this legendary beast.

Ice Adventure Grid

Event Info

  1. Complete the daily quest to receive ice pitons.

Note: The same quest can only be claimed and completed once. The quest status is reset at 24:00 every day.
Please claim the rewards timely to avoid any unnecessary losses.

  1. You can play a mini game called Break Ice with ice pitons (Gold can be used if you lack ice pitons). The ice pitons needed vary with your current progress.
  2. By breaking ice cubes, you can receive Ice Elements, the number of which equals the amount shown on the ice cubes. You'll receive Ice Souls after collecting the required amount of Ice Elements.

Collect 10 ice element to claim 2 Ice Soul(s).
Collect 20 ice element to claim 5 Ice Soul(s).
Collect 30 ice element to claim 9 Ice Soul(s).
Collect 40 ice element to claim 14 Ice Soul(s).
Collect 50 ice element to claim 20 Ice Soul(s).

  1. When your personal ice pitons used reach the required amount, you can claim the extra reward pack.
  2. You can redeem Ice Souls for items in the Icefield Shop. Meanwhile, you can claim a Cumulative Point Pack when the Ice Souls reach the requirement.
  3. Collecting Ice Souls can allow you to join the Icefield Ranking that consist of Daily and Cumulative Rankings. Join now to claim rewards, ultimate titles and the rare pet:Icefield Bear!

Daily Quest
Below are the daily quests, rewards and how to get complete them.

Quest Contents
Ice Adventure Daily Quest Chest
Attack normal stages with 5 attack chances.
Ice Pitons*2
Ice Adventure Daily Quest Chest
Challange other players in the Arena with 5 chances.
Ice Pitons*2
Ice Adventure Daily Quest Chest
Attack the trial instance with 1 attack chance.
Ice Pitons*2
Ice Adventure Daily Quest Chest
Cumulative consumption reaches 1000 Gold.
Ice Pitons*3
Ice Adventure Daily Quest Chest
Top up any amount of Gold.
Ice Pitons*3

Ice Shop
Below are the items that are sold in the Ice Shop.

Ice Treasure
Max 100
One of the following:

Ice Set Part*1
Lv.5 Jade Box*1
Samsara Stone*10
Feather Crystal*2
S Weapon Enhance Talisman*2
Super Potency Pill*2
Socket Jade*1
Perfect Fruit Pack*1
Lv.10 Silver Card*10
Ice Treasure

Ice Souls*10
Ice Weapon Box
Max 10
One of the following:

Ice Kunai*1
Ice Shuriken*1
Ice Scroll*1
S Weapon Enhance Talisman*5
Super Potency Pill*5
Socket Jade*3
Perfect Fruit Pack*3
Colorful Spar*10
Leap Rune Stone*40
Lv.10 Silver Card*40
Ice Weapon Box

Ice Souls*25
Ice Armor Box
Max 10
One of the following:

Ice Boots*1
Ice Belt*1
Ice Armor*1
Ice headband*1
Ice Coat*1
S Weapon Enhance Talisman*5
Super Potency Pill*5
Socket Jade*2
Perfect Fruit Pack*2
Colorful Spar*10
Leap Rune Stone*40
Lv.10 Silver Card*40
Ice Armor Box

Ice Souls*20
Akatsuki's Treasure
Max 100
One of the following:

Akatsuki's Set part*1
Lv.6 Jade Box*1
Lv.7 Jade Box*1
Lv.3 Jade Pack*1
Lv.4 Jade Pack*1
Basic Fury Jade*2
General Recruit Proof*3
S Weapon Enhance Talisman*3
Lv.10 Silver Card*10
Treasure Talisman*30
Channeling Scroll*30
Akatsuki's Treasure

Ice Souls*10
Akatsuki's Jewellery
Max 100
One of the following:

Akatsuki's Accessory part*1
Lv.6 Jade Box*1
Lv.3 Jade Pack*1
Socket Jade*1
Colorful Spar*5
Perfect Fruit Pack*1
Colorful Soul*10
Gold Evolution Scroll*2
Soul Refining Pill*30
Epic EXP Scroll*20
Akatsuki's Jewellery

Ice Souls*10
Angel Treasure
Max 100
One of the following:

Angel Treasure*1
Lv.6 Jade Box*1
General Recruit Proof*2
Gold Evolution Scroll*2
S Weapon Enhance Talisman*2
Socket Jade*1
Colorful Spar*5
Colorful Soul*10
Leap Rune Stone*20
Lv.10 Silver Card*20
Angel Treasure

Ice Souls*10
Ghost Jewellery
Max 100
One of the following:

Ghost Jewellery part*1
Lv.6 Jade Box*1
Lv.3 Jade Pack*1
Socket Jade*2
Lv.10 Silver Card*20
Perfect Fruit Pack*1
Colorful Soul*10*1
General Recruit Proof*2
Soul Refining Pill*30
Leap Rune Stone*20
Ghost Jewellery

Ice Souls*10
Reincarnation Pack
Max 10
All of the following:

Super Potency Pill*50
Feather Crystal*10
Reincarnation Pack

Ice Souls*100
EXP Pack
Max 10
All of the following:

Legendary EXP Book*5
Epic EXP Scroll*50
EXP Pack

Ice Souls*120
Jinchuriki Pack
Max 10
All of the following:

Jinchuriki Practice Pill*50
Jinchuriki Promotion Pill*10
Jinchuriki Pack

Ice Souls*12
Lv.4 Jade Pack
Max 10
All of the following:

Lv.4 Force Jade*1
Lv.4 AGI Jade*1
Lv.4 Chakra Jade*1
Lv.4 Power Jade*1
Lv.4 Hit Jade*1
Lv.4 Dodge Jade*1
Lv.4 Crit Jade*1
Lv.4 Block Jade*1
Lv.4 S Attack Jade*1
Lv.4 Counter Jade*1
Basic Fury Jade*1
Lv.4 Jade Pack

Ice Souls*15
Socket Jade
Max 100

Socket Jade*5
Socket Jade

Ice Souls*20
S Weapon Enhance Talisman
Max 100

S Weapon Enhance Talisman*10
S Weapon Enhance Talisman

Ice Souls*20
Super Potency Pill
Max 100

Super Potency Pill*10
Super Potency Pill

Ice Souls*20
Perfect Fruit Pack
Max 100
All of the following:

Perfect Force Fruit*1
Perfect Agility Fruit*1
Perfect Chakra Fruit*1
Perfect Power Fruit*1
Perfect fruit pack 5

Ice Souls*20
10000 Prestige Chest
Max 20

10000 Prestige Chest

Ice Souls*50
10000 S.Ability Chest
Max 5

10000 S.Ability Chest

Ice Souls*50
Max 20


Ice Souls*12
Colorful Spar
Max 50

Colorful Spar*10
Colorful Spar

Ice Souls*12
Jade of Sage
Max 20

Jade of Sage*10
Jade of Sage

Ice Souls*12
Samsara Stone
Max 20

Samsara Stone*20
Samsara Stone

Ice Souls*12
Feather Crystal
Max 50

Feather Crystal*10
Feather Crystal

Ice Souls*20

Icefield Treasure
Duration: Febuary 1, 2015 - Febuary 4, 2015

A small treasure map attracted so many treasure seekers. However, none of them were able to discover the treasure. Only the most powerful warrior can take away treasure.

Ice Adventure Grid

Event Info

  1. During the event, players can use treasure maps to play in the treasure hunt game.
  2. There are 20 treasure chests in each treasure map. To dig treasure, players must use Gold, 50 Gold each time, and have a chance to receive Blue Diamonds or encounter a bomb.
  3. If you find Blue Diamonds, they'll be added to My Blue Diamonds, but if it's a bomb, your exploration will be over.
  4. There is only one free treasure map daily. The treasure maps are resest at 24:00 (but the digging progress won't be reset) and won't be stacked. When there are no treasure maps left, players can directly use Gold to buy one.
  5. Players can also click Dig All chests to receive Blue Diamonds. Please be sure that no bomb will be triggered, bu Dig All costs 1,800 Gold.
  6. Dig out required number of blue diamond chests of a treasure map will be rewarded with Treasure Hunter reward. Rewards has 3 levels and need to be collected manually. (Use Dig All will also trigger Treasure Hunter reward.
  7. During the event, cumulatively top up the required amount of Gold to claim Blue Diamonds:

Cumulatively top up 1,200 Gold to receive 5 extra Blue Diamonds.
Cumulatively top up 4,000 Gold to receive 10 extra Blue Diamonds.
Cumulatively top up 8,000 Gold to receive 20 extra Blue Diamonds.
Cumulatively top up 12,000 Gold to receive 30 extra Blue Diamonds.
Cumulatively top up 20,000 Gold to receive 50 extra Blue Diamonds.
Cumulatively top up 40,000 Gold to receive 100 extra Blue Diamonds.

  1. The Blue Diamonds collected can be redeemed for the red ninja [Reanimated Itachi] and other limited gift packs in this event, but all Blue Diamonds will be spent when redeeming. (The remaining Blue Diamonds will be cleared after the event. Please redeem them in timely manner.)
