Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Indra & Asura

The Origins and Beginnings of the Fateful War: Asura and Indra.




Type Genjutsu Formation Support
Force 24,000 Growth: 24 Chakra 38,000 Growth: 38
Agility 44,000 Growth: 44 Power 440,000 Growth: 44
Talent Predestination
Increases massive agility, health and spirit (60%), born with 92% speed, 70% damage rate and 70% avoid injury rate. When this ninja is in formation, increase 116% speed, 40% health, 40% ingnore enemies defence, 30% attack for all allies. Increases 35% damage for ally (wind, ray, water) ninjas. Decreases 30% block rate, 25% damage rate for all enemies. Decreases 30% attack for enemy vanguard and assaulter. Each 10% hp lost decreases all enemy defence by 6%. Natural immune 150% reflect damage rate, immune disable, poisonous wind, awaken and death seed.
Skill Dashing Wind Slash
Fury Skill: Attacks random 1 enemy with 420% rate 90% chance to put all enemies into Cursed Fixation
Cursed Fixation Cursed Fixation CC
Uncleansable CC
and Freeze
Freeze Freeze CC
Uncleansable CC
for 2 rounds; Puts ally vanguard and assaulter into Pyroblast
latest?cb=20240907103312 Pyroblast State
Increase damage rate and final damage by 30%. Cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds; Puts 2 random enemies into Corrosion
latest?cb=20240907103237 Corrosion State
Decrease avoid injury and increases final damage received by 30%. Cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds; Dispels all enemy buff; Recover self fury by 68 and others by 30.
1r Decreases ally (Hashirama&Madara) avoid injury rate by 10% and increases (7th Hokage&Final Sasuke) damage rate by 30%. -


Indra Ashura
Indra Ashura Big Grid


  • Recruitable at Lv.90

