Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Jiongu Kakuzu portrait

Money can also affect judgement in hell.




Type Taijutsu Formation Vanguard
Force 39,000 Growth: 39.0 Chakra 27,000 Growth: 27.0
Agility 36,000 Growth: 36.0 Power 430,000 Growth: 43.0
Increases massive agility, health, and force by percentage, increases speed by 86%, damage rate by 70%, and avoid-injury rate by 65%. When this ninja is in battle, increase all allies speed by 112% and health by 30%, increase all allyEarth Chakra Nature and Wind Chakra Nature ninjas avoid-injury rate by 35% and health by 20%, increase all ally Lightning Chakra Nature and Fire Chakra Nature ninjas damage rate by 40% and punch rate by 20%, increase all ally Water Chakra Nature ninjas defence by 35% and attack by 35%. Every 10% health lost increases all allies (expect self) attack by 5% and defence by 10%. After death, will revive with 80% health, activates once per battle. After being attacked, has 50% chance to make attacker enter poisonous wind status for 2 rounds, and has 50% chance to make self enter breaking wind status for 2 rounds. Ignores enemies control rate by 60% and reflective damage by 150%. Immune to seal, fury reduction, and death seed

Poisonous Wind: Unable to attack for 1 round, reduces 30% of current health, cannot be dispelled

Attack all enemies wind/earth/fire/lightning/water chakra ninjas by 450%/450%/300%/300%/400% growth rates respectively, attacks non active chakra nature ninjas by 500% growth rate. Make enemies enter split, Incinerate
latest?cb=20190917140020 Incinerate DoT
Damage over Time, can't be disspelled
, and burst state for 2 rounds with growth rate of 120%, makes enemy lightning and wind chakra ninjas enter Weakened
Weakened State Weakened State
Decrease defense and speed by 20%. Unable to gain buffs. Cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds, dispell all enemies buffs, increase all ally assaulter and support Defense
latest?cb=20150621102022 Defense Buff
Increase Defense by certain percent
by 80% for 2 rounds. Recovers self fury by 68, recovers all allies (expect self) fury by 30.
1r Immortal Fighter: Naturally has 30% block rate and 30% crit rate


Jiongu Kakuzu GIF
Jiongu Kakuzu


  • Recruitable at lvl 90


Jiongu Kakuzu