Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Ninja Bond Small Grid

"Ninja Bonds" is an implementation of the September 17, 2014 update. It offers a new bonus for owned ninjas, which is upgradable with souls.

In game help:

  • Ninja Bond unlocks once the player reach Lv.32.
  • Collect all Ninjas of a "Team" to activate the "Team Bonus"
  • Upgrade the "Team Bonus" with Souls
  • Once a Ninja has been obtained it will stay in the bond even if the Ninja is removed from Team or Ninja Hotel.
  • Mystic Bonds such as "Yellow Flash" increase all the Bonds by 20% for that tab only.
  • Max. "Team Bonus" is Lvl 100


For bond stats at every level check: Ninja Bond Bonus

SasukeNarutoSakuraTeam 7 Grid
Team 7

Increase Supports Attack by 840

Akimichi ChojiNara ShikamaruYamanaka InoTeam 10 Grid
Team 10

Increase Assaulters Attack by 672

KibaHinataShinoTeam 8 Grid
Team 8

Increase Vanguards HP by 5,040

TentenNejiRock LeeTeam 3 Grid
Team 3

Increase Supports allies Speed by 672

SaiANBU Grid

"Ninja Team" team effect by 20%

Ninja Team Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 2,520
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 1,170
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 2,140
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 1,090
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 1,680

Hoshigaki KisameItachiVermilion-South Grid

Increase Vanguards HP by 12,600

SasoriDeidaraJewel-Azure Grid

Increase Supports HP by 3,150

HidanKakuzuThree-North Grid

Increase Vanguards S.Def by 3,360

KonanPainWhite-Zero Grid

Increase Supports Speed by 2,520

TobiZetsuJewel-Black Grid

Increase Vanguards S.Def by 5,880

Ninja Team Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 13,140
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 2,100
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 3,780
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 1,890
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 3,360

Sarutobi AsumaKakashiMaito GaiSpecial Tutor Grid
Special Tutor

Increase Vanguards P.Def by 1,386

JiraiyaTsunadeOrochimaruSannin Grid

Increase Assaulters Attack by 1,680

ZabuzaHakuLife and Death Bond Grid
Life and Death Bond

Increase Assaulters P.Def by 336

JuugoSuigetsuKarinTaka Grid

Increase Assaulters Speed by 1,470

10-Tails Obito10-Tailed Jinchuuriki Grid
10-Tailed Jinchuuriki

"Special Team" team effect by 20%

Special Team Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 8,400
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 1,470
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 2,730
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 1,470
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 4,200

SarutobiSenju TobiramaMinatoHokage Grid

Increase Supports Attack by 2,100

OhnokiSecond TsuchikageTsuchikage Grid

Increase Assaulters S.Def by 1,680

Terumi Mei2nd MizukageMizukage Grid

Increase Supports Speed by 1,680

Raikage3rd RaikageRaikage Grid

Increase Assaulters Attack by 2,520

MinatoYellow Flash Grid
Yellow Flash

"Special Team" team effect by 20%

Kages Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 15,750
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 2,940
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 5,460
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 2,520
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 2,520

Susanoo ItachiSasuke HebiSusanoo KakashiSusanoo Grid

Increase all allies HP by 50,400

Eight Gates GaiShisui the TeleporterButterfly ChojiKonoha Guard Grid
Konoha Guard

Increase all allies ATK by 10,080

Six Paths SageSix Paths MadaraNaruto SageSix Paths Inheritance Grid
Six Paths Inheritance

Increase all allies DEF by 6,720

Three Eyed MadaraReanimated ItachiReanimated NagatoReanimation Grid

Increase all allies Speed by 6,720

Angel KonanKushina UzumakiOhtsutsuki KaguyaGoddess Grid

"Ninja World War" team effect by 20%

Ninja World War Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 94,500
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 17,640
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 32,760
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 15,120
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 15,120

Otsutsuki HamuraOtsutsuki ToneriOtsutsuki MomoshikiOtsutsuki's Heritage Grid
Otsutsuki's Heritage

Increase all allies HP by 201,600

Hinata UzumakiThe Rabbit GoddessStar SakuraGoddess Befalls Grid
Goddess Befalls

Increase all allies ATK by 40,320

Indra SasukeAshura NarutoBrother Fight Grid
Brother Fight

Increase all allies DEF by 26,880

Deidara & SasoriKakashi & GaiBest Partners Grid
Best Partners

Increase all allies Speed by 26,880

Susanoo MadaraSage HashiramaCounterattack Grid

"Super Squad" team effect by 30%

Super Squad Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 378,000
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 52,920
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 98,280
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 45,360
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 45,360

Alien SasukeAlien JuugoAlien Cursed Grid
Alien Cursed

Increase all allies HP by 403,200

Alien ShizuneAlien Terumi MeiAlien Flower Grid
Alien Flower

Increase all allies ATK by 403,200

Alien MifuneAlien FugukiAlien Swordsman Grid
Alien Swordsman

Increase all allies DEF by 403,200

Alien SasukeAlien ObitoAlien MadaraUchiha three Grid
Uchiha Three

Increase all allies Speed by 403,200

Alien RaikageAlien NarutoAlien Terumi MeiAlien Shadow Grid
Alien Shadow

"Alien Invasion" team effect by 30%

Alien Invasion Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 756,000
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 105,840
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 196,560
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 90,720
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 90,720

The Seventh HokageSakura UchihaKonoha's Shadow SasukeFinal Team 7 Grid
Final Team 7

Increase all allies HP by 262,080

Shisui & ItachiKakashi & ObitoFriendship Power Grid
Friendship Power

Increase all allies ATK by 52,416

Neji & HinataHyuuga HanabiHyga Smriti Grid
Hyga Smriti

Increase all allies DEF by 34,944

Reanimated HashiramaReanimated TobiramaReanimated HiruzenReanimated Shadow Grid
Reanimated Shadow

Increase all allies Speed by 34,944

IndoraOtsutsuki AshuraHagoromo & HamuraBegining of Samsara Grid
Begining of Samsara

"Super Squad" team effect by 30%

Super Squad Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 491,400
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 68,796
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 127,764
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 58,968
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 58,968

Momoshiki (Awaken)Otsutsuki KinshikiMaster and Servant Grid
Master and Servant

Increase all allies HP by 241,920

Samehada KisameFurious ObitoIllusory Reality Grid
Illusory Reality

Increase all allies ATK by 48,384

Gai & Rock LeeA-B ComboWarm-blood Comrade Grid
Warm-blood Comrade

Increase all allies DEF by 32,256

Nagato & ItachiMight GuyBattleground Reverse Grid
Battleground Reverse

Increase all allies Speed by 32,256

Wind Blaster TemariSwimsuit TsunadeInoDemonstrated Beauty Grid
Demonstrated Beauty

"Super Squad" team effect by 30%

Super Squad Super Bond ?/5
Activate any 1 super bond team Increase Vanguard's HP by 453,600
Activate any 2 super bond teams Increase Assaulter's Attack by 63,504
Activate any 3 super bond teams Increase Support's Speed by 117,936
Activate any 4 super bond teams Increase all allies Attack by 54,432
Activate any 5 super bond teams Increase all allies Defense by 54,432
