Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Pain & Konan Small Grid

Following Yahiko's death, Nagato turned his body into the Deva Path of his Six Paths of Pain. As childhood friends, Konan and Pain fought side by side and wished to bring peace to the world by guiding it in a painful way.




Type Genjutsu Formation Support
Force 12,000 Growth: 10.5 Chakra 14,000 Growth: 12.0
Agility 14,000 Growth: 12.0 Power 100,000 Growth: 13.0
Talent Akatsuki's Envoy
Increase massive Agility and Chakra by percentage (40%). Naturally born with 48% Speed, 30% Avoid-Injury Rate and 30% Damage Rate. When alive in formation, increases allies' Speed by 35% and Support's Damage Rate by 15%. Immune to Paralysis and Stun.
Skill Fiery Paper Star of God
Attack all enemy with growth rate 300%. 60% chance to Blind enemies for 2 rounds. (Cannot be expelled). Burn(DOT) enemies with 130% growth rate for 1 round. Make Assaulter's immune to Stun for 2 rounds. Increase Assaulter's Speed by 15% and Strategy Defence by 20% for 1 round. Increase all allies' Fury by 30 points and own Fury by 60 points.

Type Genjutsu Formation Support
Force 11,000 Growth: 10.0 Chakra 13,000 Growth: 11.0
Agility 13,000 Growth: 11.0 Power 90,000 Growth: 12.0
Talent Akatsuki's Envoy
Increase massive Agility and Chakra by percentage (40%). Naturally born with 48% Speed, 30% Avoid-Injury Rate and 30% Damage Rate. When alive in formation, increases allies' Speed by 35% and Support's Damage Rate by 15%. Immune to Paralysis and Stun.
Skill Fiery Paper Star of God
Attack all enemy with growth rate 300%. 60% chance to Blind enemies for 2 rounds. (Cannot be expelled). Burn(DOT) enemies with 130% growth rate for 1 round. Make Assaulter's immune to Stun for 1 round. Increase Assaulter's Speed by 15% and Strategy Defence by 20% for 1 round. Increase all allies' Fury by 30 points and own Fury by 60 points.


Pain & Konan Grid


Pain & Konan in-team pic
  • Unknown
  • Recruitable at Lv.90

