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Blue-Print and Orientation
Screen: Picture of the Team
Team-Level: (all ninjas on a stage have the same Lvl)
Speed: (try to find in the min. required Speed for First Hit)
Health: *Vanguard - (?? HP) *Assault/Support - (?? HP)
Skills: *Vanguard - (Attacks enemy Vanguard/Assault/Support) - (Buff or Debuff) *Assaulter 1 - Atk V/A/S - (Buff or Debuff) *Assaulter 2 - Atk V/A/S - (Buff or Debuff) *Supporter 1 - Atk V/A/S - (Buff or Debuff) *Supporter 1 - Atk V/A/S - (Buff or Debuff)
Comment: Suggestion for Main-skill or helpy Team-ninjas
Ryuchi Cave
Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard: (678.800 HP)
- Assaulter: (678.800 HP)
- Support: (689.750 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (Give self Avoid Fury Reduction and Stun for 1 round.) - (Fury Revenge)
- Support1 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Support2 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
Comment: -
Team Fight 2 - Kimimaro
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard/Kimimaro: (2.194.690 HP)
- Assaulter1/Support2: (689.750 HP)
- Support1: (700.700 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Kimimaro - Atk ? - () - (Bracken Dance)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard: (2.601.110 HP)
- Assaulter: (817.480 HP)
- Support: (830.260 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk All - (Increase own Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Thunder Tactic)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Give self Avoid Fury Reduction and Stun for 1 round.) - (Fury Revenge)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Support - (Increase assaulters Aid Rate for 3 rounds, and decrease vanguards Avoid Injury Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Death Proof)
- Support1 - Atk ? - (?) - (Shock of Overlord)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
Comment: -
Team Fight 4 - Sage Kabuto
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard/Kabuto: (2.641.760 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (830.260 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Attack Power for 3 rounds.) - (Wrath Smite)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Assaulter2 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Support1 - Atk Support - (Decrease vanguards Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Break Formation)
- Kabuto - Atk ? - (?) - (Reanimation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 5
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard: (3.511.500 HP)
- Assaulter: (1.086.080 HP)
- Support: (1.086.080 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk ? - (?) - (Penetration)
- Assaulter1 - Atk ? - (?) - (Sage Art: Weaken)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
- Support2 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
Comment: -
Team Fight 6 - Juugo
Team-Level: 90
Speed: 125.000-215.000
- Juugo: (11.415.740 HP)
- Assaulter: (1.103.590 HP)
- Support: (1.103.590 HP)
- Juugo - Atk All - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Curse Mark)
- Assaulter1 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Attack Power for 3 rounds.) - (Wrath Smite)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 7
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard: (4.013.150 HP)
- Assaulter: (1.261.260 HP)
- Support: (1.261.260 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Support - (Increase assaulters Aid Rate for 3 rounds, and decrease vanguards Avoid Injury Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Death Proof)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Support - (Decrease vanguards Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Break Formation)
- Assaulter2 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence and increase own Defence for 3 rounds. High chance to Stun target for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Slash)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 8 Orochimaru
Team-Level: 90
Speed: 360.000-750.000
- Vanguard/Orochimaru: (4.075.860 HP)
- Assaulter: (1.280.970 HP)
- Support: (1.280.970 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Support - (Decrease vanguards Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Break Formation)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
- Orochimaru - Atk All - (?) - (Ten Thousand Snakes Wave)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
Comment: -
Shikkotsu Forest
Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed: -
- Vanguard: (5.309.390 HP)
- Assaulter/Support2: (1.642.150 HP)
- Support1: (1.668.640 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Assaulter1 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Support - (Increase assaulters Aid Rate for 3 rounds, and decrease vanguards Avoid Injury Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Death Proof)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Support2 - Atk Support - (Decrease vanguards Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Break Formation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 2 - Rinnegan Sasuke
Team-Level: 90
Speed: 360.000-750.000
- Sasuke: (5.393.670 HP)
- Support2: (5.477.950 HP)
- Assaulter: (1.668.640 HP)
- Support1: (1.695.120 HP)
- Sasuke - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (Give self Avoid Fury Reduction and Stun for 1 round.) - (Fury Revenge)
- Support1 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Thunder Tactic)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed: 360.000-750.000
- Vanguard: (6.260.510 HP)
- Assaulter/Support2: (1.937.280 HP)
- Support1: (1.967.570 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Support - (Increase assaulters Aid Rate for 3 rounds, and decrease vanguards Avoid Injury Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Death Proof)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 3 rounds, and increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Guard Spirit)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (Give self Avoid Fury Reduction and Stun for 1 round.) - (Fury Revenge)
- Support1 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
- Support2 - Atk All - (Increase own Speed and Defence for 3 rounds, decrease enemy Fury by 25 points and decrease Speed for 3 rounds.) - (Shadow Blade)
Comment: -
Team Fight 4 - Jiraiya
Team-Level: 90
- Support2: 530.000-566.000
- Rest: 400.000-530.000
- Vanguard/Assaulter2: (1.967.570 HP)
- Jiraiya: (23.671.670 HP)
- Support: (2.252.080 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Jiraiya - Atk All - (Increase own Fury by 68, and increase own Attack Power for 3 rounds.) - (Toad Blade Cut)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Support - (Increase assaulters Aid Rate for 3 rounds, and decrease vanguards Avoid Injury Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Death Proof)
- Support1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25.) - (Cosmos Rotation)
- Support2 - Atk Support - (Decrease vanguards Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Break Formation)
Comment: -
Team Fight 5
Team-Level: 90
Comment: -
Team Fight 6 - Jiraiya
Team-Level: 90
Comment: -
Team Fight 7
Team-Level: 90
Comment: -
Team Fight 8 - Rashomon Orochimaru
Team-Level: 90
Comment: -