Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 98.198, below 121.247 (attack order S, A3, A1, A2, V)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.210.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 605.000 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 4.174.499 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.087.249 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 14.036.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 7.018.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block for 3 rounds) ("Impeccable") - HP Talent
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit rate for 3 rounds) ("Eagle Assault") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defense for 4 rounds) ("Armor Break") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase Assaulters Damage rate for 3 rounds) ("Whirlwind Strike") - Crit. Talent
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard) ("Regenerative Healing") - Speed Talent
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 121.247, below 135.070 (attack order S, A3, A1, A2, V)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.270.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 635.250 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 4.537.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.268.750 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 15.488.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 7.744.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block for 3 rounds) ("Impeccable") - HP Talent
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) ("Lightning Speed") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) ("Meteor Arrow") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) ("Meteor Arrow") - Crit. Talent
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard) ("Regenerative Healing") - Speed Talent
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Sarutobi Asuma
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 121.247, below 135.070 (attack order SA, S, A1, A2, V)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.331.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 665.500 HP
- Sarutobi Asuma: 998.250 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 4.900.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.450.250 HP
- Sarutobi Asuma: 3.675.375 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 16.940.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 8.470.000 HP
- Sarutobi Asuma: 12.705.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Defense for 3 rounds) ("Thick Armor") - HP Talent
- Assaulter1 - Atk - () ("Eagle Assault") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defense for 4 rounds) ("Armor Break") - Crit. Talent
- Sarutobi Asuma - Atk All - (Increase own Crit rate for 3 rounds) ("Flying Swallow") - Force Talent
- Support - Atk Vanguard - (+30 Fury to Assaulters and +100 Fury to caster) ("Infuriation") - Speed Talent
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 121.247, below 135.070 (attack order S3, S1, S2, A, V)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.391.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 695.750 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 5.263.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.631.750 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 18.392.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 9.196.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dogde for 3 rounds) ("Ghost") - HP Talent
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defense for 4 rounds) ("Armor Break") - Crit. Talent
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Chance to Stun target) ("Mind Control") - Speed Talent
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Chance to Stun target) ("Mind Control") - Speed Talent
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Chance to Stun target) ("Mind Control") - Speed Talent
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 121.247, below 135.070 (attack order A3, A1, A2, V, S)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.452.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 726.000 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 5.626.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.813.250 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 19.844.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 9.922.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dogde for 3 rounds) ("Ghost") - HP Talent
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Attack for 2 rounds) ("Perish") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defense for 4 rounds) ("Armor Break") - Crit. Talent
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit rate for 3 rounds) ("Eagle Assault") - Crit. Talent
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Chance to Stun target) ("Mind Control") - Speed Talent
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - Momochi Zabuza
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal difficulty):
- over 121.247, below 135.070 (attack order MZ, S1, A2, V, S2)
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
- Vanguard: 1.512.500 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 756.250 HP
- Momochi Zabuza: 1.134.375 HP
Health (Hard difficulty):
- Vanguard: 5.989.499 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 2.994.749 HP
- Momochi Zabuza: 4.492.124 HP
Health (Inferno difficulty):
- Vanguard: 21.296.000 HP
- Assaulter/Support: 10.648.000 HP
- Momochi Zabuza: 15.972.000 HP
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dogde for 3 rounds) - (Ghost)
- Momochi Zabuza - Atk All - (Increase Assaulters Damage rate for 3 rounds) - (Silent Killing)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Support1 - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard) - (Regenerative Healing)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Chance to Stun target) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1
Team-Level: -
Boss-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2
Team-Level: -
Boss-Level: -
Speed (Normal difficulty):
Speed (Hard difficulty):
Speed (Inferno difficulty):
Health (Normal difficulty):
Health (Hard difficulty):
Health (Inferno difficulty):
Skills: -
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 220.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-486.000
Health (Normal):
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (6.957.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.025.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (21.054.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (8.348.999 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Damage Rate for 3 rounds.) (Whirlwind Strike)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 217.000
Speed (Hard): 217.000-274.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-560.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (1.936.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (968.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (6.352.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.176.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (18.150.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (9.075.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own block rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Kimimaro
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 217.000
Speed (Hard): 220.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-560.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.117.500 HP)
- Kimimaro: (1.588.125 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.058.750 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (6.655.000 HP)
- Kimimaro: (4.991.250 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.327.500 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (18.150.000 HP)
- Kimimaro: (14.701.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (9.075.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own defence for 3 rounds.) - (Thick Armor)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30.) - (Infuriation)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Kimimaro - Atk All - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Bracken Dance)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 217.000
Speed (Hard): 217.000-274.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-560.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.299.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.149.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (6.957.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.478.750 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (21.054.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (10.527.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 217.000
Speed (Hard): 217.000-274.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-560.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.480.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.240.250 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (7.260.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.630.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (22.506.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (11.253.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Perish)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own hit rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - Orochimaru
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 217.000
Speed (Hard): 237.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 343.000-560.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.662.000 HP)
- Orochimaru: (1.996.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.331.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (7.562.500 HP)
- Orochimaru: (5.671.875 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.781.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (23.958.000 HP)
- Orochimaru: (17.968.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (11.978.999 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Orochimaru - Atk All - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30.) - (Ten Thousand Snakes Wave)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Support1 - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-510.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.420.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.210.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (6.957.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.478.750 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (21.054.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (10.527.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Damage Rate for 3 rounds.) (Whirlwind Strike)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-510.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.541.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.270.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (7.562.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.781.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (23.232.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (11.616.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own block rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Madara Uchiha
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-510.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.662.000 HP)
- Madara: (1.996.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.331.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (8.167.500 HP)
- Madara: (6.125.625 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (4.083.750 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (25.410.000 HP)
- Madara: (19.057.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (12.705.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own defence for 3 rounds.) - (Thick Armor)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Madara - Atk All - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 30 points.) - (Stone Shower)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30.) - (Infuriation)
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-510.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.783.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.391.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (8.772.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (4.386.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (27.588.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (13.793.999 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-510.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.904.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.452.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (7.260.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (3.630.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (29.766.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (14.882.999 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Perish)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own hit rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - Hashirama Senju
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 221.000-285.000
Speed (Inferno): 347.000-630.000
Health (Normal):
- Hashirama: (4.537.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.512.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Hashirama: (14.973.750 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (4.991.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Hashirama: (27.916.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (15.972.000 HP)
- Hashirama - Atk All - (Heal self.) - (Deep Forest Bloom)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Support1 - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (2.783.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.391.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: ( HP)
- Assaulter/Support: ( HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (20.570.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (10.285.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Damage Rate for 3 rounds.) (Whirlwind Strike)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.025.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.512.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (9.680.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (4.840.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (21.598.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (10.799.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own block rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Sage Kabuto
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.267.000 HP)
- Kabuto: (2.450.250 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.633.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (10.587.500 HP)
- Kabuto: (7.940.625 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.293.750 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (22.627.000 HP)
- Kabuto: (16.970.250 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (11.313.500 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Thick Armor)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Kabuto - Atk All - (Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25 points.) - (Reanimation)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30 points.) - (Infuriation)
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.509.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.754.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (11.495.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.747.500 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (23.655.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (11.827.749 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.751.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.875.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (12.402.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (6.201.250 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (24.684.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (12.342.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Perish)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own hit rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - White Coat Cursed Sasuke
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal):
Speed (Hard): 268.000-367.000
Speed (Inferno): 367.000-520.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.993.000 HP)
- Sasuke: (2.994.750 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.996.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (13.310.000 HP)
- Sasuke: (9.982.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (6.655.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (25.712.500 HP)
- Sasuke: (19.284.376 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (12.856.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dodge Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Sasuke - Atk All - (Increase allies Dodge Rate by 180% for 1 round. Increase own Fury by 25 points.) - (Thunder Snake)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Support1 - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 273.000-503.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.509.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.754.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (9.680.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (4.840.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (23.570.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (12.285.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Damage Rate for 3 rounds.) (Whirlwind Strike)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 273.000-503.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.872.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.936.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (10.164.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.082.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (25.712.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (12.856.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own block rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Six Paths Pain
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 273.000-503.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (4.235.000 HP)
- Pain: (3.176.250 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.117.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (10.648.000 HP)
- Pain: (7.986.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.324.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (27.769.500 HP)
- Pain: (20.827.124 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (13.884.750 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Thick Armor)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Pain - Atk All - (Medium chance to stun for 3 rounds. Decrease enemy Fury by 25 points.) - (Universal Pull)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30 points.) - (Infuriation)
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 503.000-932.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (4.598.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.299.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (11.132.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.566.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (29.826.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (14.913.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 503.000-932.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (4.961.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.480.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (11.616.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.808.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (31.883.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (15.941.750 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Perish)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own hit rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - Illusion God Itachi
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 273.000
Speed (Hard): 273.000-465.000
Speed (Inferno): 503.000-932.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (5.324.000 HP)
- Itachi: (3.993.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.662.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (12.100.000 HP)
- Itachi: (9.075.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (6.050.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (33.940.500 HP)
- Itachi: (25.455.376 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (16.970.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dodge Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Itachi - Atk All - (Increase own Fury by 25, decrease enemy Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Tsukuyomi)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Support1 - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to Stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 1 - Team Fight 1
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 333.000-570.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.630.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.815.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (11.132.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (5.566.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (29.826.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (14.913.250 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Block Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase assaulters Damage Rate for 3 rounds.) (Whirlwind Strike)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 2 - Team Fight 2
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 333.000-570.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.811.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.905.750 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (12.100.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (6.050.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (32.912.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (16.456.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own block rate for 3 rounds.) - (Impeccable)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Meteor Arrow)
- Support - Aid Vanguard - (Heal Vanguard.) - (Regenerative Healing)
Comment: -
Stage 3 - Team with Boss Fight 1 - Uchiha Obito
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 333.000-570.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (3.993.000 HP)
- Obito: (2.994.750 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (1.996.500 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (13.068.000 HP)
- Obito: (9.801.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (6.534.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (35.997.500 HP)
- Obito: (26.998.124 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (17.998.750 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Defence for 3 rounds.) - (Thick Armor)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Hit for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets Defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Obito - Atk All - (Remove debuffs from supports, avoid self being stunned for 2 rounds. Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 25 points.) - (Fire Release Blast Wave)
- Support2 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Fury by 100 and assaulters by 30 points.) - (Infuriation)
Comment: -
Stage 4 - Team Fight 3
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 570.000-785.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (4.174.499 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.087.249 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (14.036.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (7.018.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (39.083.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (19.541.500 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Support1 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
- Support3 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 5 - Team Fight 4
Team-Level: 90
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 570.000-785.000
Health (Normal):
- Vanguard: (4.356.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (2.178.000 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Vanguard: (15.004.000 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (7.502.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Vanguard: (42.168.500 HP)
- Assaulter/Support: (21.084.248 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own dodge rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Assaulter - (Increase own Attack Power for 2 rounds.) - (Perish)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Vanguard - (Decrease targets defence for 4 rounds.) - (Armor Break)
- Assaulter3 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own hit rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Support - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -
Stage 6 - Team with Boss Fight 2 - Reanimated Madara
Team-Level: 90
Boss-Level: 150
Speed (Normal): Under 200.000
Speed (Hard): 200.000-300.000
Speed (Inferno): 570.000-785.000
Health (Normal):
- Assaulter1: (4.537.500 HP)
- Madara: (3.403.125 HP)
- Rest: (2.268.750 HP)
Health (Hard):
- Assaulter1: (15.972.000 HP)
- Madara: (11.979.000 HP)
- Rest: (7.986.000 HP)
Health (Inferno):
- Assaulter1: (45.254.000 HP)
- Madara: (33.940.500 HP)
- Rest: (22.627.000 HP)
- Vanguard - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dodge Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Eagle Assault)
- Assaulter1 - Atk Vanguard - (Increase own Dodge Rate for 3 rounds.) - (Ghost)
- Assaulter2 - Atk Assaulter - (None) - (Lightning Speed)
- Madara - Atk All - (Decrease enemy supports Fury by 10. Increase own Fury by 100 and allies by 30 points.) - (Wood Destruction)
- Support2 - Atk Assaulter - (Medium chance to Stun assaulter for 3 rounds.) - (Mind Control)
Comment: -