Taijutsu (体術(たいじゅつ); referring to "Body Techniques" or "Body Skills"; usually also synonymous with classical forms or martial arts) is a loose Japanese term for skills and techniques that fall under "empty-hand" or "weaponless" combat . More emphasis is placed on the natural capabilities of the body that are furthered through constant tempering and training. To put it in extremely basic terms, Taijutsu encompasses skills in hand-to-hand combat. In the Naruto sphere, Taijutsu users are those who mainly focus on their physical strengths rather than their use of illusionary jutsus, though that is not usually the case since there are those like Might Guy who have apt control over Ninjutsu as well making for a devastating combination. Within the world of Unlimited Ninja, it's the Taijutsu classes who get themselves up close and personal with their enemies.
Comparing the Genjutsu class statistics with the Taijutsu class and Ninjutsu class.
- On par in the "Force" stat with the Ninjutsu at 64, and 23 points above the Genjutsu class (41). This is to be expected since it's the Taijutsu class.
- "Chakra" on par with Ninjutsu class at 41, while trailing 23 points behind Genjutsu class (64).
- Highest starting "Power" rating compared to Ninjutsu (462) and Genjutsu (427) classes.
- Highest starting "Agility" rating compared to Ninjutsu (54) and Genjutsu (50) classes.
- Highest starting "HP" and "Speed" rating.
Force - 64 (Growth Rate - 1.2)
Chakra - 41 (Growth Rate - 1.0)
Agility - 57 (Growth Rate - 1.0)
Power - 499 (Growth Rate - 1.0)
Overall, you can pretty much tell from these stats that the taijutsu class has more focus on physical strengths and the like. The Force talent increases your force by 15%.
Below are the special skills that are available to the Taijutsu class. These skills can be obtained by spending S. Ability points in the S. Ability menu. For more information regarding this, please visit the corresponding section.
For more skills visit Skills