Team Interface[]
It's the main interface for your crew. You can find most of your crew stats, gears, skills and BP(battle point) and other useful information. There is four main interactive buttons:
- Left the Team - To send your crew which is no in use to retirement
- (you need to remove all gear and S.Wpn to be able to do so).
- (you refund 10% of the Souls you payed on Tavern-Ninjas)
- Exchange - Swap items between any two characters.
- Exp Inherit - Option for gold or Silver, lets tansfer 10-20% Exp from one ninja to another.
- Remove all - Remover all items from chosen character.
- Details - The statistics that determine the overall strength of a character.
As well as Equipment, Items and Accessories slots for changing gear and accessories or using exp scrolls.
Exp. Scrolls: Used to grant XP to the chosen character. (Can't be used on Main Character)
Small Scroll | Med. Scroll | Large Scroll | Adv. Scroll | Epic Scroll |
1.000 EXP | 4.000 EXP | 20.000 EXP | 100.000 EXP | 500.000 EXP |
Scroll Math: (thanks to nairam)
( Note: These were the features of Team before the update of March 25 th,2014 and 10 th April 2014)
New Features[]
The new features addes to team are:
- Accessories ( 10 th April, 2014 update )
Read more about Accessories
- Exp-Inherit ( 17 th October, 2014 update )
With the Exp Inherit Tab you can tranfer 10% or 20% Experience for Silver or Gold. You only can transfer Experience from a higher lvl ninja to a lower level ninja. After Transfer the higher lvl ninja is at his recuitment lvl.
- Excample: Ninja A - Lvl 102 (rec. lvl 100) -> Ninja B - Lvl 74
- after using Ninja A - lvl 100 / Ninja B - Lvl 76
- Costs of Silver and Gold aswell the Amount of Inherited Exp is very varriable (no Table possible - maybe a math)