Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Unlimited Ninja Wiki
Uzumaki Menma Small Grid

Uzumaki Menma was created by the mysterious mask man in the Mugen Tsukuyomi. He and Naruto are the same nine- tailed chakra mode.




Type Genjutsu Formation Support
Force 20,000 Growth: 20.0 Chakra 40,000 Growth: 40.0
Agility 42,000 Growth: 42.0 Power 480,000 Growth: 48.0
Talent Sharingan
Increases Extreamly Agility, Chakra and Health(60%), born with 92% Speed, 65% Damage Rate and 75% Avoid-Injury Rate. When in battle, increase 116% Speed, 30% HP and 30% Attack for all allies. Increase ally Thunder, Earth and Water Chakra ninjas CC Resist rate by 25%. Decrease 30% Attack, 40% Damage Rate and 30% Crit Damage for all enemies. After being attacked, recover all allies HP by 40% and has 30% chances to dispel 2 random enemy buffs. Born with 30% HP and 30% Defence. Immune to Chaos, Charm and Death Seed.
Skill Great Spiralling Ring
Fury Skill: Attack all enemies with 250% growth rate, 90% to Imprison
Imprison Imprison CC
Uncleansable CC
all enemies for 2 rounds, 1 random enemy enters Poisonous Wind
latest?cb=20240907103255 Poisonous Wind CC
Uncleansable CC. At the start of your turn, subtract 30% of your HP.
for 2 rounds, ally assaulters enter Shatter Storm
latest?cb=20240907103334 Shatter Storm State
Increases attack and defense by 15%. Cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds, ally supporters enter Bond
Bond State Bond State
Increases CC resistance, block rate (can go above cap), and avoid injury by 35%. Cannot be dispelled.
for 2 rounds. Decrease all enemies Attack
latest?cb=20150620090257 Attack Debuff
Decrease Attack by certain percent
and final damage by 30%. Restores 68 fury for self, 30 for allies.
1r After be attacked, 30% chances to dispel 2 random ally Debuff, immune Freeze. -


Uzumaki Menma
Uzumaki Menma Big Grid


  • Recruitable at Lv.90

